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Son (Giver Quartet), by Lois Lowry

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They called her Water Claire. When she washed up on their shore, no one knew that she came from a society where emotions and colors didn’t exist. That she had become a Vessel at age thirteen. That she had carried a Product at age fourteen. That it had been stolen from her body. Claire had a son. But what became of him she never knew. What was his name? Was he even alive? She was supposed to forget him, but that was impossible. Now Claire will stop at nothing to find her child, even if it means making an unimaginable sacrifice.
Son thrusts readers once again into the chilling world of the Newbery Medal winning book, The Giver, as well as Gathering Blue and Messenger where a new hero emerges. In this thrilling series finale, the startling and long-awaited conclusion to Lois Lowry’s epic tale culminates in a final clash between good and evil.
- Sales Rank: #7080 in Books
- Published on: 2014-05-06
- Released on: 2014-05-06
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.25" h x 1.04" w x 5.50" l, .75 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 400 pages
"Written with powerful, moving simplicity, Claire's story stands on its own, but as the final volume in this iconic quartet, it holistically reunites characters, reprises provocative socio-political themes, and offers a transcending message of tolerance and hope. Bravo!"
—Kirkus, starred review
"Lowry is one of those rare writers who can craft stories as meaningful as they are enticing."
—Booklist, starred review
"Son is a tender conclusion to this memorable story, and definitely the best of the books in this sequence since The Giver itself."
—School Library Journal, starred review
"The strength of this novel is its compassionate portrait of a mother's commitment to her lost child."
—Horn Book
"In the completely absorbing opening, Lowry transports readers back to the horrifying world from which Jonas came."
—Publishers Weekly
“A consummate stylist, Lowry handles it all magnificently: the leaps in time, the shifts in perspective, the moments of extreme emotion — fear, joy, sadness — all conveyed in unadorned prose that seizes the heart. Give this book to your child, your grandmother, your senator, your neighbor: It’s a bipartisan tale for our times.”
—The Washington Post
“Lois Lowry's Son [is] a gripping end to the Giver series”
—The Los Angeles Times
“It's the kind of book that will stay with you for days as you wonder about what it says about human nature, society, and the future of society.”
"A quiet, sorrowful, deeply moving exploration of the powers of empathy and the obligations of love."
—The New York Times Book Review
About the Author
Lois Lowry is the author of more than thirty books for young adults, including the popular Anastasia Krupnik series. She has received countless honors, among them the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, the California Young Reader’s Medal, and the Mark Twain Award. She received Newbery Medals for two of her novels, NUMBER THE STARS and THE GIVER. Her first novel, A SUMMER TO DIE, was awarded the International Reading Association’s Children’s Book Award. Ms. Lowry now divides her time between Cambridge and an 1840s farmhouse in Maine. To learn more about Lois Lowry, see her website at www.loislowry.com.
Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The young girl cringed when they buckled the eyeless leather mask around the upper half of her face and blinded her. It felt grotesque and unnecessary, but she didn’t object. It was the procedure. She knew that. One of the other Vessels had described it to her at lunch a month before."Mask?" she had asked in surprise, almost chuckling at the strange image. "What’s the mask for?" "Well, it’s not really a mask," the young woman seated on her left corrected herself, and took another bite of the crisp salad. "It’s a blindfold, actually." She was whispering. They were not supposed to discuss this among themselves."Blindfold?" she had asked in astonishment, then laughed apologetically. "I don’t seem to be able to converse, do I? I keep repeating what you say. But: blindfold? Why?""They don’t want you to see the Product when it comes out of you. When you birth it." The girl pointed to her bulging belly."You’ve produced already, right?" she asked her. The girl nodded. "Twice.""What’s it like?" Even asking it, she knew it was a somewhat foolish question. They had had classes, seen diagrams, been given instructions. Still, none of that was the same as hearing it from someone who had already gone through the process. And now that they were already disobeying the restriction about discussing it—well, why not ask? "Easier the second time. Didn’t hurt as much."When she didn’t respond, the girl looked at her quizzically. "Hasn’t anyone told you it hurts?""They said ‘discomfort.’ "The other girl gave a sarcastic snort. "Discomfort, then. If that’s what they want to call it. Not as much discomfort the second time. And it doesn’t take as long.""Vessels? VESSELS!" The voice of the matron, through the speaker, was stern. "Monitor your conversations, please! You know the rules!"The girl and her companion obediently fell silent then, realizing they had been heard through the microphones embedded in the walls of the dining room. Some of the other girls giggled. They were probably also guilty. There was so little else to talk about. The process—their job, their mission—was the thing they had in common. But the conversation shifted after the stern warning.She had taken another spoonful of soup. Food in the Birthmothers’ Dormitory was always plentiful and delicious. The Vessels were all being meticulously nourished. Of course, growing up in the community, she had always been adequately fed. Food had been delivered to her family’s dwelling each day.But when she had been selected Birthmother at twelve, the course of her life had changed. It had been gradual. The academic courses—math, science, law—at school became less demanding for her group. Fewer tests, less reading required. The teachers paid little attention to her.Courses in nutrition and health had been added to her curriculum, and more time was spent on exercise in the outdoor air. Special vitamins had been added to her diet. Her body had been examined, tested, and prepared for her time here. After that year had passed, and part of another, she was deemed ready. She was instructed to leave her family dwelling and move to the Birthmothers’ Dormitory.Relocating from one place to another within the community was not difficult. She owned nothing. Her clothing was distributed and laundered by the central clothing supply. Her schoolbooks were requisitioned by the school and would be used for another student the following year. The bicycle she had ridden to school throughout her earlier years was taken to be refurbished and given to a different, younger child.There was a celebratory dinner her last evening in the dwelling. Her brother, older by six years, had already gone on to his own training in the Department of Law and Justice. They saw him only at public meetings; he had become a stranger. So the last dinner was just the three of them, she and the parental unit who had raised her. They reminisced a bit; they recalled some funny incidents from her early childhood (a time she had thrown her shoes into the bushes and come home from the Childcare Center barefoot). There was laughter, and she thanked them for the years of her upbringing."Were you embarrassed when I was selected for Birthmother?" she asked them. She had, herself, secretly hoped for something more prestigious. At her brother’s selection, when she had been just six, they had all been very proud. Law and Justice was reserved for those of especially keen intelligence. But she had not been a top student."No," her father said. "We trust the committee’s judgment. They knew what you would do best.""And Birthmother is very important," Mother added. "Without Birthmothers, none of us would be here!"Then they wished her well in the future. Their lives were changing too; parents no longer, they would move now into the place where Childless Adults lived.The next day, she walked alone to the dormitory attached to the Birthing Unit and moved into the small bedroom she was assigned. From its window she could see the school she had attended, and the recreation field beyond. In the distance, there was a glimpse of the river that bordered the community.Finally, several weeks later, after she was settled in and beginning to make friends among the other girls, she was called in for insemination.Not knowing what to expect, she had been nervous. But when the procedure was complete, she felt relieved; it had been quick and painless."It that all?" she had asked in surprise, rising from the table when the technician gestured that she should."That’s all. Come back next week to be tested and certified." She had laughed nervously. She wished they had explained everything more clearly in the instruction folder they had given her when she was selected. "What does ‘certified’ mean?" she asked. The worker, putting away the insemination equipment, seemed a little rushed. There were probably others waiting. "Once they’re sure it implanted," he explained impatiently, "then you’re a certified Vessel."Anything else?" he asked her as he turned to leave. "No? You’re free to go, then."�That all seemed such a short time ago. Now here she was, nine months later, with the blindfold strapped around her eyes. The discomfort had started some hours before, intermittently; now it was nonstop. She breathed deeply as they had instructed. It was difficult, blinded like this; her skin was hot inside the mask. She tried to relax. To breathe in and out. To ignore the discom—No, she thought. It is pain. It really is pain. Gathering her strength for the job, she groaned slightly, arched her back, and gave herself up to the darkness. Her name was Claire. She was fourteen years old.
Most helpful customer reviews
104 of 115 people found the following review helpful.
Remarkable end to a award-winning series
By E.M. Bristol
While I was thrilled to see "The Son" by Lois Lowry, the final book in the "Giver" series available through Vine, I also felt guilty, having rated "The Messenger" more harshly than it perhaps deserved, having believed all along that the series was a trilogy, not a quartet. It didn't really explain what happened to Gabe, whose fate was left ambiguous in the first book. So that was one question I thought would remain a mystery.
"The Son" starts with the birth of a "Product" to a fourteen-year-old girl named Claire, who has been chosen as Birthmother in the same community where Jonas originally lived. Something goes drastically wrong, and although the child survives, Claire is left sterile, and relegated to a dull job at the Fish Hatchery. She's also left in the dark as to what has happened, having been blindfolded throughout the procedure. None of her fellow community members can offer any enlightenment and do not share Claire's maternal yearnings (or any type of passion). (Fans of "The Giver" will easily figure out why Claire is different.) As a result, she is somewhat alienated but very determined to see her son again.
From the hatchery, Claire gets a chance to view the incoming ships and a taste of what a different community might be like. She also begins volunteering at the center where the "newchildren" are and becomes friendly with Jonas' father, who works as a nurturer there. As she figures out that Gabe (or the fractious young "Number Thirty-Six") is indeed her son, the series reader is on familiar territory and knows ahead of time what's going to happen. Eventually, Claire sets off in search of Gabe, which brings her to a community which tolerates far more individuality in its members, although the people there are puzzled at the gaps in her knowledge of things such as colors and music. Although Claire is accepted there and finds a mentor, she decides to move on. Her quest for her son will lead her into danger, both physical and supernatural. Her story then overlaps with Jonas', Kira's and Gabe's. Is there a happy ending? I won't spoiler it, but will say that once done, you have more satisfying answers than you did at the end of "The Messenger."
"The Son's" main theme is choice; as in "Harry Potter," the characters are forced to decide between doing what is right and what is easy. What is sacrificed may wind up causing unexpected pain, and attempts to put things back the way they were may not work. As any fan of fairy tales knows, being granted your heart's desire is often the path to misery, regardless of how it appears beforehand. Is a world whose inhabitants are basically content really worth it, or does it wind up creating people who feel like outcasts anyway? What then are the options for those who don't, or can't fit in? How do you develop a gift if no one in your community can conceive of what you're capable of? The "Giver" series goes far in ably exploring these questions and prompting the reader to do so, as well.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
More than your average story
By Amazon Customer
A great end to a great story. Once again Lowry inserts heartfelt themes instead of the popular cliche storylines. This brilliant end shows what real love is. It also expertly wraps together an intricate story between 4 books that obviously required much planning and precision. An amazing read for older children and above. Happy to let it end on this note.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Can't say enough good things about this. I read it, then re-read it, then re-read it again. Every time I read anything by Lois Lowry I pick up new tidbits. If you liked his other books, this one completes the series and answers any lingering questions you might have.
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